Partnership: Jablonov - Studenec
Lead Partner: Doprastav, a.s.
Partners: Inžinierske stavby, a.s. and VÁHOSTAV-SK, a.s.
Within stage II the project involves a (i) completion of the motorway to full profile of D 26.5 and (ii) putting the four-lane road into service. The completion concerns the left-handed carriageway of D1 Jablonov - Studenec stretch project with the overall length of 5 210 m; Spišské Podhradie, Jablonov, and Studenec are the cadastral areas affected. There are 16 structures; of these, the motorway structure with the length of 5.21 km, four motorway bridges with the total length of 900 m, and two noise control barriers (260/800 m) are of the greatest importance. Parts of the project are also extensive modifications of the existing roads.