Refurbishing and designing the Budapest Kelenfold - Tárnok line stretch2011-2014

Refurbishment and design work concerning the Budapest Kelenfold (included) - Tárnok (included) line stretch; line construction project

It involved a project in Hungary, which included designing and refurbishing the Budapest Kelenfold line stretch, including the station’s rail yard and the trolley system, construction of the track, artificial objects of the security system, telecommunication lines, heating of switch points, public lighting and remote control over the power supply of the upper trolley lines. The stretch length is 25 km.

Construction period: May 2011 to December 2013

Type of contract: Doprastav, a.s. & Subterra a.s. Partnership

Tender price: 30 999, 00,402 HUF, i.e. 114 811 112.60 EUR (Doprastav share: 51 665 002 €)

The project was formally put into service on 27 September 2013 and completed in December 2013; all the additional work was finished on 30 May 2014.